The world of travel has become popular on social media. Many people now have unvarying access to travel information and tips for different destinations in the world. There are many Africa travel experts who tweet regularly, offering tips and advice on travel. They love sharing their travel experiences about best places they have visited with their followers. So whether you’re just looking for travel tips, best destinations to visit for a vacation in Africa and other continents or if you are looking for people to connect with for travel information to guide you on your next holiday, you should visit Twitter to keep you in the know.
We have put together a comprehensive list of some Africa travel experts to follow on Twitter. You can follow them or read their posts on Africa Travel Experts Twitter list we have created. You can also tweet suggestions to this list @TravelstartNigeria.
1. Jim Holden, @JimHoldenAfrica
2. Magical Kenya, @MagicalKenya
3. Encounter Mara, @EncounterMara
4. Expert Africa, @ExpertAfrica
5. Travel Ground, @TravelGround
6. 9jatravel, @9ja_travel
7. Africa on the blog, @AfricaOTBlog
8. Mohammed Hersi, @hersimohammed
9. Africapoint, @africapoint
10. Meruschka Govender, @MzansiGirl
11. Go Places Kenya, @goplacesKE
12. Diani Beach, @DianiBeachKenia
13. Kenya Travel Tips, @kenya_travels
14. Kenya Wildlife, @kwskenya
15. TRAVEL UPDATES, @Fly_Naija
16. Naijatreks, @naijatreks
17. #PromoteNigeria, @MyDNigeria
18. Lape Soetan, @lapesoetan
19. Richard Trillo, @RichardTrillo
20. Susan Wong, @SusanLUCKYWong
21. Pelu Awofeso, @PeluAwofeso
22 Traveling Kenya, @TravelingKenya
23 Travel Mate Uganda, @traveluganda80
24. Russell Jarvis, @russelljarvis
25. Kate Turkington, @Turkington
26. Jacques Marais, @JacqMaraisPhoto
27. Folarin Kolawole @feeldflow
28. Narina Exelby @NarinaExelby
29. Jan Hutton @janinehutton
30. Sarah Khan, @BySarahKhan
31. Chris Von Ulmenstein, @whalecottage
32. Lola A. Åkerström, @LolaAkinmade
33. Thando Moleketi, @JoziFoodieFix
34. Anton Crone, @antoncrone
35. Seb Hermanns @travelcomments
36. Emma Jude Jackson, @MissEmmaJude
37. Ranger Diaries, @rangerdiaries
38. Go2Africa, @Go2Africa
39. Dawn Jorgensen, @DawnJorgensen
40. Stephanie Be, @StephanieBe
41. Dalene Ingham-Brown, @AdventurousDee
42. Hazel Dickens, @hazeldickens
43. Kerry de Bruyn, @KerrydeBruyn
44. Gena Stander, @genevievedoull
45. Tanya Kovarsky, @TanyaKovarsky
46. Hasmita Nair, @Hasmita
47. Rhino Africa @rhinoafrica
48. Adel Groenewald, @Adelgreen
49. Fatima Mangera-Minty, @oh_my_golly
50. Roxanne Reid, @RoxanneReidSA
51. Philip Briggs @philipbriggs
52. Lucy Corne, @LucyCorne
53. Ontdek Kenya Safaris, @ontdeksafaris
54. Marisa Crous, @stealinglucy
55. Cameron Ewart-Smith, @justcam
56. Philly Girl, @philly_girl
57. Andre Van Kets, @andrevankets
58. Luxury Africa Travel, @luxafricatravel
59. Discover Africa Group, @discoverafrica
60. Jo Buitendach, @PastExperiences
61. Caroline Hurry, @Travelwrite1
62. TravelNextDoor @TravelNextDoor
63. Sarah Duff @SarahDuff
64. Stuart Parker, @capturingafrica
65. Lisa Huang, @bestcapetownSA
66. Jonker Fourie, @FireflyAfrica
67. ecoAfrica Travel, @ecoafrica
68. Janez Vermeiren, @Janez_Vermeiren
69. The Great Adventurer, @TGadventure
70. News24 Travel, @News24Travel
71. Gary Koetser, @GaryKoetser
72. Katherine de Villiers, @KathDv
73. Alex van Tonder, @CapeTown_Girl
74. Tourism Tanzania @TourismTanzania
75. CometoNigeria, @cometonigeria
76. Gautrain, @TheGautrain
77. Ryan van Zyl, @concierge_ryan
78. SATravelTrade, @SATravelTrade
79. afrotourism, @frotourism
80. Kenya Tourism, @MWEMAJOSPHAT
81. My Egypt Travel, @my_egypttravel
82. Dax Villanueva, @RelaxWithDax
83. Bridget Williamson, @BridgeeW
84. Jenna Finch, @Jenna_Finch
85. Atta Africa, @atta_tourism
86. Anna Banana, @TravelZanzibar
87. Travel Africa, @OnAfricanSafari
88. SouthAfrica.TO, @southafricaTO
89. Ryan Sandes, @ryansandes
90. William Price, @william_price
91. Waka-about, @waka_about
92. Cape Town Tourism, @CapeTownTourism
93. Mauritius Travel, @MauritiusT
94. Clare Appleyard, @clareappleyard
95. Africa Geographic, @africageo
96. Mariette dT-Helmbold, @MariettedTH
97. Jeanette Verster, @jenty
98. Tyson Jopson, @TysonJopson
99. Brigid Prinsloo, @The_B_Boss
100. Africa Travel Tips, @africatip
Have we missed your favourite travel expert? Tell us who you’d like us to add, why you think we should add them and we will add the best recommendations to the list.

Hey there, you found me finally.
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Wow this is an awesome resource . I have always admired this site and your work
Hi there. Joburg Guest Houses do a fabulous job of promoting not just Johannesburg but all of South Africa, partake in the weekly travel chats, and are fabulous! @Jhb-Guesthouses
You can look at me too! http://www.thandekaafrica.com @thandekaafrica.com http://www.thandekaafrica.com. Travel all around Southern Africa.
Thanks guy, thanks Twitter.
You really must include Gamewatchers Safaris, @PoriniSafaris as they are regarded as the experts in the Wildlife Conservancy concept which is the future of sustainable tourism in some of Africa’s most important safari areas. They were the first company to develop successful, award-winning Conservancies protecting wildlife and generating income for local communities. For details see http://www.porini.com/about-us.html?sub=awards-and-news-articles
Thank you very much for including me on your list among so many wonderful travel experts. Let the Africa travel love continue.
Wow wow, this is soooo helpful to a blogger like me. I will definitely be following them on Twitter soon. I hope to promote my articles through them. Cheers!
Thanks so much for including me in the list!!!
Being a bit of a Twitter list-maker myself, you can find this list on Twitter at https://twitter.com/The_B_Boss/lists/africa-travel-experts
Congrats to all of us promoting tourism in Africa!
How about @NatalieRoos?
You must have overlooked @whthome because his blog covers all of East Africa from airlines to conservation.
Very humble to make a list amongst great African travel Tweeters and bloggers like this. Thank you
Please also consider adding:
• Lucille Sive, President of Lion World Travel, has worked for the past 29 years in promoting South Africa as a leading travel destination: @lucillesive
• Lion World Travel: @LionWorldTravel
• African Travel, Inc.: @WeKnowAfrica (@JimHoldenAfrica is the President whom you have listed at the top of your list)
• Arnelle Kendall, Vice President of Public Relations of The Travel Corporation USA: @ArnelleKendall (South African born and have been in the travel industry for the past 30 years)
Thank you! Cheers!
One among the travel expert company in Nigeria is Travel Expert Nigeria,
their work has been tested and found trusted
kindly add them to your list @travelexpertng