Global Citizens

How to Deal With The Jet Lag Blues

What is jet lag? Jet lag (or desynchronosis) is a temporary disorder that happens when you travel across two or more time zones on long-haul flights and your circadian rhythm…

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The Ultimate Weekend Getaway

The adorable occasion of the year might be officially over but there is still love in the air. There is still time to give your partner a perfect treat or take them on an unforgettable…

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This Week’s Hottest Flight Deals

Time to Travel! We’ve got great deals for you this week to travel to your favourite destinations. Make a trip to cities of your choice for less this week on Etihad Airways.…

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4 Things to Explore in Dominican Republic

The diverse scenery from the mountain to rivers carving their way through the lush jungle and stunning waterfalls are just some of the reasons to visit the Dominican Republic.…

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